Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hey everyone
Thanks for all the views on my latest blogs.   I decided if Seinfeld could do sitcom about nothing, and episodes, that really had no meaning, but day to day happenings of life,
then why not write about these things.

well, we are well into September already, and by that I mean, the weekend is already the middle of the month.  JESUS LOUISE... WISH WE COULD SLOW DOWN TIME...
That being said.

I've been approached today, but a bunch of work colleagues that said to me, "good for you" "you're still wearing WHITE".... REALLY..... so listen up folks.

We had a few days of cooler temp's, which threw our fall lovers into sweater mode.  Of course, who wouldn't.  I happen to love the FALL season.  But after checking out the weather for the week, let's not downplay an Indian Summer.
So do not let the "media" dictate what to wear, and when to wear it.
Hey I feel a man should wear more white also.  What wouldn't be sexier than a man in white slacks, white shirt... lol  come on ladies.

Anyways, I know that the days of Don Johnson (MIAMI VICE) are here to stay.  He sported a white jacket on his coloured T shirt and slacks almost every episode.  So be it guys, white it is... it's not just about the underwear.  And believe me, I know a certain someone I met many moons ago, was all about "white sport" jackets.  Wish I had taken more pics.

So today, I wore a lovely orange top, and my boss was sporting a black blouse, and we both wore white capris.  And that's all there is to it.  Don't let the so-called "fashion Guru" tell you otherwise.  Do your own thing, be unique.  Be different.  After all, Coco Chanel says,
"beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself".  And if being yourself is being different , then so be it.  Don't live by the Kardashian's of the world, or the Beyoncé's or anyone else for that matter.  Be YOU !

Sport the white all winter long in fact.  Christmas's primary colours have always been Red, Green and White.  Follow some fashion blogs, to get ideas, but don't play copy cat always, make your own fashion statement.  I personally grew up in a large family of "men" , "boys"... six of them.  So I was ultimately a "tomboy" for years, and would only wear a dress when we had a function or celebration of sorts.  It wasn't till after I got married, did I even dream of wearing skirt or dress.  High school of course, warranted it.  And they even told us what seasons we were to wear the kilts and when to take them off.  Far cry from what they do and say now. 

Enjoy Life, be you, and make a statement with your fashion items.  Mix and Match, men and women, and be YOU !!!
Wear the WHITE !!!!


  1. Good for you bella! BE YOU always! i love the combo,, you look stunning <3 miss ya ox have a great rest of your week


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